MDS Nordion Members Celebrate New Collective Agreement

MDS Nordion Members Celebrate New Collective Agreement


Highlights include wage increases of 2%, 2% and 2.25% (over 3 years) plus a $500 signing bonus.  


The new Collective Agreement also includes improvements in the following areas:

-Vacation leave (Article 17.03)

-Expanded definition of the Family under Bereavement Leave (Article 17.05)

-Compensation on Termination (Article 18.02)

-Meal Allowance (Article 22.07)

-Time between shifts (Article 22.12)

-Seniority (Article 24)


“We had an impressive turnout from our members on ratification day,” Alaina Bilmer, President, Local 70367, MDS Nordion.

REVP for the NCR, Greg McGillis furthers: “This was a difficult round for the team. I thank them for their commitment to the highest principles of the union and look forward to supporting this local in future rounds.”