April 17, 2020 to April 19, 2020(All day)3,
Boulevard du Casino, Gatineau, QC
J8Y 6X4 (Map)
Sign-up Deadline: February 3, 2020
The 8th Regional Triennial Convention of the NCR of the Public Service Alliance of Canada will be held April 17-19, 2020 at the Hotel Lac Leamy (3, Boulevard du Casino, Gatineau Qc J8Y 6X4) at the Mozart room. On-site registration check-in opens at 7:30am April 17, 2020.
- January 20, 2020 – Receipt of the Resolutionsto Regional Convention submitted by the Regional Council, Locals, Branches, Regional Women’s committees, Area Councils, Equity Committees and recognized PSAC regional committees. To help you in the process, you may click here to consult the checklist for writing a good resolution.
- February 3rd, 2020 – Registration by Delegates and Observers.
- February 3, 2020 – Credentials to the Regional Convention by the Regional Council, Locals, Branches, Regional Women’s committees, Area Councils, Equity Committees and recognized PSAC regional committees.
Here is the revised Call Letter to find all the information related to the upcoming Regional Convention.
Positions Open for Elections
As a result of a decision by delegates at the 2003 PSAC Convention, Regional Executive Vice-Presidents and their Alternates are to be elected at Convention. Any PSAC member in good standing in the National Capital Region is entitled to run for these two positions. The nominator and the seconder must be accredited delegates to the National Capital Region Convention. A call for nomination for the office of the Regional Executive Vice-President (REVP) and Alternate REVP, will be sent under separate cover. Below is the list of all the positions up for elections at the Convention:
- Regional Executive Vice-President
- Alternate Regional Executive Vice-President
- Members-at-large x 3
- Alternate members-at-large x3
- Separate Employers representatives
- Treasurer
- Standing Finance Committee
Click here for the 2020 Candidate Nomination Form. The form must be sent to the NCR Coordinator Elisabeth Woods at the following email address:WoodsE@psac-afpc.com on or before March 31, 2020.
Please be aware that many members are sensitive to chemicals, including those found in scents, perfumes and aftershaves. Please do not use scented products during the meeting.
Register for convention online:
All Delegates and Observers must be members in good standing, must complete an oline form on or before February 3, 2020 and must submit their registration fee of $150 on or before February 12, 2020. PSAC-NCR is not responsible for any costs incurred as observers. Due to space limitations, the number of observers is limited on a first come, first served basis.
Delegate Registration Form (REGISTRATION CLOSED)
Observer Registration Form (REGISTRATION CLOSED)
Agenda and Previous Minutes
List of Resolutions and Reports of Resolutions
- Submitted Resolutions
- Report of the General Resolutions Committee
- Report of the Bylaws Resolutions Committee
Executive Reports
- Highlights of the Region
- Regional Executive Vice-President Alternate
Committtee Reports
- Communications Committee
- Comité régional des Femmes Francophones de la RCN
- Conseil régional d’action politique d’Outaouais
- Directly-chartered Locals Committee
- Education Committee
- Health and Safety
- Indigenous Action Cercle
- Members with Disabilities Action Committee
- Ottawa Area Council
- Ottawa Regional Women’s Committee
- Pride Committee
- Racially Visible Action Committee
- Young Workers Committee
Separate Employers Reports
- Kim Cardinal
- Richard Weintrager
Treasurer’s report
Members at Large Reports
- David Lanthier
- Raynald Leroy
- Joy Morgan
- Tony Nicolas
- Louise Sicard
- Alex Silas