Welcome NCRC Executives!
Below is the Activity Reports Guideline for your ease of reference.
The Council Meeting Reports are due on or before September 8, 2017.
If you have any questions about the reports for the NCR Council meeting, please contact Chems Oka at okac@psac-afpc.com or 613-560-4381.
Your report should list and briefly describe your activities or those of the committee you represent. Reports should be no more than two pages and should use a larger font such as Arial 14 to adhere to PSAC’s Alternate Media Policy.
List of reports for the Regional Council Meeting:
1. NCR REVP’s Activity Report
2. NCR REVP Alternate’s Activity Report
3. NCR Council Treasurer’s Financial Statement
4. NCR Council Executive’s Committee Activity Report:
- Aboriginal Action Circle
- Comité régional des femmes francophones de la RCN
- Communications Committee
- Conseil régional d’action politique de l’Outaouais (CRAPO)
- Education Committee
- Health and Safety Committee
- Members with Disabilities Action Committee
- Men’s Action Support Committee (MASC)
- Ottawa Area Council
- Ottawa Regional Women’s Committee
- Pride
- Racially Visible Action Committee
- Young Workers Committee
5. Separate Employer Delegates’ Activity Report:
- Antoine Gomis
- Linda Walters
6. NCR Council Executive’s Member-At-Large Activity Report:
- Corey Beauregard (Steward’s Network)
- Ashley Cederwall (Re-Ignite Series)
- Mike Chartrand (Steward’s Network)
- Darrell Klerks (Pensions)
- Sylvie Leblanc
- Annie Noel (Workers History Museum)
(As per the NCR Reg/Bylaw Sec. 8 and the NCR Executive’s Guide)
Sample of reports can be viewed online by selecting previous council meetings on this page (https://psac-ncr.com/our-organization/council).
Please advise us if you will be unable to provide us with your report so that we are able to proceed with the completion of all materials for the meeting.
We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you at the upcoming Council Meeting.