6 February 2018, Ottawa — PSAC’s collective agreement with the Bank of Canada for Security Officers (Local 71250) expired in December 2016 and PSAC served the Bank with a Notice to Bargain on December 15, 2016. The first bargaining session was held in September 2017. Regrettably, the Bank of Canada’s proposal includes mostly concessions, which are unacceptable to PSAC.
Since then our Bargaining team has met with the Bank for two subsequent sessions in December 2017 and January 2018.
Until now the Bank’s representatives have not been willing to seriously address any of our issues, including our job security language proposals. In fact, the Bank recently laid off 14 security officers at its Toronto and Montreal facilities.
Our team made every effort to engage in a meaningful negotiation process with the Employer. In January, we proposed that the parties hold ‘without prejudice’ discussions to try and move things along toward resolution of our members’ job security concerns. Unfortunately, the Bank continues to insist that we must accept all the concessions it proposes.
In our view, the bargaining process has now reached impasse. We are therefore filing for Conciliation.
What is conciliation?
When an impasse is reached in the collective bargaining process, either party may file for conciliation. In this situation, the government appoints a conciliation officer to assist the union and the employer in reaching an agreement. The initial mandate lasts 60 days but both parties can agree to an extension. If no agreement is reached through conciliation, a 21-day “cooling-off “ period is imposed, during which the government may appoint a mediator to further assist the parties in resolving differences. If this also fails, and the 21-day cooling period passes, either party may give a 72 hour notice—the employer for a lockout and the union for a strike. (In the case of a strike, a strike vote amongst the membership would be held before notice is given.)
More information on the conciliation process with the Bank will be provided as it becomes available.