Course Description Winter 2018


Winter 2018 Course Descriptions

Talking Union Basics (TUB) (Two-day course) – January 19 & 20

The TUB is the “cornerstone” of our PSAC Education Program and a pre-requisite for most of our other courses. This two-day course will introduce you to the PSAC, its structure, how to become involved and the fundamentals of trade union action. Emphasis is put on members’ rights in the workplace and in the union; on understanding and using the collective agreement and on union mechanisms to obtain and protect rights.

Evening module: The Art of Argument – January 22

The session will provide an overview of techniques and skills in preparing and providing argument. Participants will review how to present an issue to the employer, how to state and present facts and how to seek redress.

Basic Health and Safety (Two days) – February 9 and 10

Participants will examine why workplace health and safety is a union issue and explore the historical efforts made by unions for healthy and safe workplaces.  Members will also be able to familiarize themselves with union perspectives on healthy and safe workplaces, with the internal responsibility system and increase their knowledge on the rights and responsibilities of workers and employers.

Evening module: Disability Insurance: How to Help Members – New date: March 5

This workshop will give participants an overview on how they can assist members who want to fill a disability claim.

Grievance Handling for Stewards (Two days) – March 9 and 10

Attention all stewards! (Or, members who are thinking of becoming one…). This two-day grievance handling course will develop your knowledge, skills and confidence in effectively handling grievances at the workplace. You will spend time on the technical aspects of grievance handling such as identifying, investigating, drafting, and presenting grievances. Members must have the TUB or equivalent union experience.

Evening Module: The Steward as a Problem Solver – March 12

This course will allow members to examine conflict, increase their comfort level in dealing with various forms of conflict and develop strategies to work through conflict situations.

Convention Procedures – March 16

This one-day training is for members who are delegates at the PSAC Triennial Convention. It will focus on the what, why and how of conventions.  Members will explore the convention procedures and increase their familiarity with rules of order used at conventions.

Preventing Violence in the Workplace (Two-day) French – March 23 & 24

To provide information and better enforcement tools to PSAC Locals, and Health and Safety Committees on the Canada Labour Code Part II requirements on violence prevention as well as its applicable regulations.

Duty to Accommodate (Two days) – March 23 & 24

This course will examine what is the duty to accommodate and examine the roles of employers, unions and individuals in implementing accommodation measures.  You will spend time reviewing the legal and collective agreement provisions that support accommodation, examine accommodation strategies and identify ways of supporting the duty to accommodate.

Advanced Health and Safety Training (four days) – April 9 to 12

Participants will examine why workplace health and safety continues to be an important issue.  Members will also be able to increase their knowledge on the rights and responsibilities of workers.

Evening module: Introduction of Mental Health in the Workplace – April 16

By the end of this workshop participants will have more understanding about mental health disabilities and mental health in the workplace; will be able to acknowledge and dispel myths and stigmas on mental health; be better able to engage/represent members with mental health disabilities and recognize the importance of mental health as a workplace health & safety issue and; have tools to assist them taking action in their workplaces

Mobilization 101 (One day) – April 21

Participants will learn specific information about the challenges facing PSAC members and prepare to engage them in conversations to stand together in solidarity with the Union’s efforts.

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