Dear health and safety activists,
My name is Gilles Lavigne, and I am the newly re-elected Chair of the Health and Safety Committee (HSC) in the National Capital Region (NCR).
I wanted to take this opportunity to reach out to this region’s activists within the PSAC umbrella and tell you a little about this committee. The committee is open to any health and safety activist, workplace committee member or policy committee member in good standing with PSAC.
The NCR HSC is a place that you will find a wealth of knowledge and hopefully some interesting conversations about issues that you may face in the region or workplace. It is a committee dedicated to the advancement of knowledge and lived experience concerning regional health and safety, with a focus on learning.
It is a very exciting time for the NCR HSC as we will be holding our triennial Regional Health and Safety Conference this year.
NCR HSC logo
The NCR HSC is working to redesign and modernize our committee’s logo. We plan to release the new version at the conference. If you are interested in submitting a design for the NCR HSC logo, please you’re your submission to by March 5. Please ensure that you have the rights to use and distribute any images you share with us.
A conference subcommittee will pick the top ideas to present to the committee’s executive.
Committee meetings
The NCR HSC’s committee meetings are held virtually by Zoom on the 3rd Wednesday of every 2nd month from 5:30 to 7 PM ET, beginning in February. We are planning to host 1-2 meetings per year in person.
To register to attend a meeting, please visit our web page on the PSAC NCR website.
If you have any questions, please reach out to the Committee Executive at and we will be glad to assist you in any way that we can.
In closing, the other Committee Executive members and I look forward to meeting you at upcoming committee meetings.
If you know of anyone who might be interested in joining this committee, please forward this information to them.
On behalf of the NCR HSC Executive,
Gilles Lavigne, Chair, NCR Health and Safety Committee