Minutes of the Meeting of Members with Disabilities Action Committee (MDAC)- March 29TH, 2012

Minutes of the Meeting of

Members with Disabilities Action Committee (MDAC)

March 29, 2012

15 Holland Avenue, Ottawa



Pat McGrath                           (UNDE)      chair

Peter Hyduk                           (UNDE)      treasurer

Judith Lewis                           (NHU)         recording secretary

Denise Camus                       (CEIU)

John Jedrasik                         (GSU)

Claudette Guibord                 (UCTE)

Jay Castonguay                     PSAC Regional Representative



Marc Masson                          (NAT)

Michel Tondreau

Brigitte Coghill


1 // Introduction

 Meeting was called to order at 17:45hrs. 


2 // Adoption of Agenda

 The Agenda for the meeting was reviewed.  Items 3 and 5 were deleted.  Maria Hawkin is not in attendance and Larry Rousseau is attending the federal budget watch at PSAC headquarters.  The remainder of the agenda was accepted:

  • Motion :          –           John Jedrasik
  • 2nd :                –           Peter Hyduk
  • Carried


3 //  Item deleted.


4 //  Salvation Army Update

 The regional representative said the employer, Salvation Army, was planning to hire replacement workers, and the regular staff were at risk of losing their jobs altogether.  The negotiating team met with members to discuss future strategy.   Members preferred return to work rather than total job loss.  An arbitrator was contacted and a return to work protocol was prepared while the arbitrator considered both sides.


5 // ODLC.  Item deleted.


6 // Adoption of Minutes from February 2012 meeting

 The minutes from the last meeting was reviewed and small grammatical additions were made. Motion to adopt with changes:

  • Motion :          – 
  • 2nd :                – 
  • Carried


7 // Matters arising from last meeting

Report from P. Hyduk, Treasurer

Of significance, the Treasurer stated that he did not receive any reports from members who had used a taxi chit to go home from the meeting, except one.  He reminded all that it is essential to report the cost of the chits ASAP.  If not, it will be difficult to monitor those committee expenses.  He provided a review of the protocol:

  • All taxi users shall send a note/email to regional representative and/or treasurer ASAP with the cost of the taxi. 
  • Claudine at the Regional Office will then be informed so she can enter the amount under MDAC expenses.

PSAC Convention April-May

MDAC and MASC want to show a table of information about the committee.  It would be a display table.  John Jedrasik has asked Larry Rousseau if it is possible and is waiting for the reply.  Pat will forward that email to Joanne who will then find out more information, i.e., if the Convention will actually have information tables.


Ask Maria Hawkin to sell her CDs at the MDAC table at PSAC convention, at no cost to the MDAC committee.


  • Motion :          –  John Jedrasik
  • 2nd :                –  Claudette Guibord
  • Carried


Ask “Under One Roof” [part of Causeway] to participate at the MDAC table, also by selling CDs.

  • Motion :          –  Peter Hyduk
  • 2nd :                –  John Jedrasik
  • Carried           YES


“From Belly to Heart” event

Claudette reported that “From Belly to Heart” event was an enjoyable one.

Claudette reported that the pensions forum was well attended and very informative.


8 // Paratransport

Pat explained there are no updates to provide at this time.  Any further news will be provided when it becomes available.


9// December 3, 2102

A subcommittee was struck with:  Pat Mcgrath, Judith Lewis, Peter Hyduk and Marc Masson.  A tentative date for the first meeting was suggested for Thursday April 5, to be confirmed.


10 // federal and provincial budgets – 5% cuts to the public service

Denise provided an overview of the federal budget. 

A member asked for a short review of the Workforce Adjustment, and was given information by Joanne.

Pat discussed some aspects of the provincial (Ontario) budget mentioning in  particular the fact that ODSP and welfare benefits will be frozen.


11 // Pat stated she has lobbied MPPs – including Bob Chiarelli, MPP for Ottawa West Nepean on health care topics.  Pat was acting on behalf of the OntarioHealth Care Coalition.


12 // Roundtable


  1. John Jedrasik mentioned he will attend the PSAC Convention


  1. Denise said that HRSDC is sending letters of surplus to PSAC members who are currently on disability benefits and on CSST.


  1. John Jedrasik spoke about making a donation in honour of our late Sister Rachelle Halpenny.


Motion: To donate $100.00 to “Canines with a Cause” in memory of Sister Rachelle Halpenny.

  • Motion :          –  John Jedrasik
  • Amendment  – Claudette Guibord
  • 2nd :                –  Denise
  • Carried           YES


  1. Pat reminded all that Environment Week at DND is in May and she intends wants to promote the new scent-free policy improvements.


Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting is scheduled on Thursday, April 12, 2012.



Agreement to adjourn was made at: 7:10 pm.


C // Minutes prepared by:


Judith Lewis                                                   Pat McGrath,

Recording Secretary                         MDAC Chair                



Final Version April 25, 2012