Minutes of the Meeting of Mens Action Support Committee (MASC) – February 28th, 2012

Minutes of the Meeting of

Mens Action Support Committee (MASC)

February 28, 2012

15 Holland Avenue, Ottawa

In Attendance:

John Jedrasik                         John Murphy

Pat McGrath                           Judith Lewis

Alex Sauve                                       Maria Fitzpatrick

Michel Tondreau                    Annette Caughlin

          Larry Rousseau                     Trish Johnson

          Carlin Doutre

Meeting was called to order at 17:30 hrs. 

 Adoption of Agenda

 Adoption of Agenda;

Moved by Michel Tondreau, seconded by Alex Sauvé. Carried

 Minutes and business arising from minutes  to be brought forward next meeting.

Moved by Michel Tondreau, seconded by Alex Sauvé. Carried


 New Business; as per agenda presented.

Action plan, list to be sent to members once Michel types it.

  1. Pat, April 8 attend the Salvation Army picketing. Will call local president to arrange time and permission.

  2. Alex

  3. Talk to Carl & Zelma.

  4. All, Alex said yes, send info out in July.

  5. Alex at Carleton.

  6. Check with Pat.

  7. Check with Carl or Zelma.

  8. John.

  9. John.

  10. Alex, Carl.

  11. John, Pat.

  12. Dropped.

  13. Not sure.

  14. Not sure.

  15. Judith.

  16. Everyone.

  17. Budget;           Accommodation        $300,

Donations                  $300,

Out Reach                  $200,

Activities                    $200

                                                Total                $1000.00

Carry over $1439.97

Adoption of proposed budget plan;

Moved by Michel Tondreau, seconded by John Murphy. Carried 

Elections postponed until April

Moved by Michel Tondreau, seconded by John Murphy. Carried

After meeting we will be joined by members  of OWC to help them with preparations for the Pink Slip Campaign to be held on March 8, 2012.

 Adjournment;  Motion to was made

Moved by Alex Sauvé, seconded John Murphy. Carried 

Minutes prepared and accepted

John Jedrasik,

 MASC Chair