JANUARY 26, 2012




Jocelyne Bordage, CEIU, Chair

Isabelle Gendron, GSU, Vice-Chair

Louise Blouin, USGE

Chelsea Brescacin, CEIU

Zelma Buckley, UNDE                       

Annette Coughlin, GSU

Sara Cousins, UTE

June Dale, UNE

Maria Fitzpatrick, USGE

Claudette Guibord, UCTE

Karoline Klug, UNE

Linda Koendars, UTE

Maria Krawiec, UNE

Judith Lewis, NHU

Judith Price, NRU

Lynn Smith-Doiron, CIU

Ginette Thony, CEIU

Jennifer York, GSU


Patricia (Tish) Johnson, PSAC staff




Patty Ducharme, PSAC NEVP

Andrée Côté, Programs Section, PSAC

Jennifer Chieh Ho, UNE VP BC

Regrets :

 Carrie Bolton, NRU


 NCR REVP Larry Rousseau stopped by to extend a brief greeting to the Sisters.


1.         Meeting called to order and introduction of members and special guests.


2.         Adoption of agenda

m/s/c J. Dale/I. Gendron


3.         Adoption of previous minutes

m/s/c L. Blouin/L. Smith-Doiron


4.         Business arising from the Minutes

            As per previous meeting attendees’ request, Tish emailed copies of Maria’s report on              .



5.         Finances


Sisters were provided with copies of the 2011 ORWC Financial Statement, showing a budget surplus of $7,237.97 and the Budget submitted by the Chair to the NCR Treasurer outlining how the ORWC proposed to spend its surplus funds if carried over.


a)         Jocelyne explained that due to technical and logistical difficulties, she was unable to determine the will of the Committee with respect to a proposed donation in memory of Sister Rachelle Halpenny and so, to ensure fairness and open discussion, brought the issue before the Committee for open discussion.



THAT the ORWC donate $500 to the Paralympics in memory of Sister Rachelle Halpenny.

m/s  I. Gendron / S. Cousins


Motion to amend:

THAT the ORWC donate $250 to the Paralympics in memory of Sister Rachelle Halpenny.

m/s/c M. Kraweic / L. Smith-Doiron

Judith Lewis asked to be recorded against.


Friendly amendment to the motion:

THAT the donation be allocated to a female athlete, preferably one who is a PSAC member.

m/s/c J. Dale / L. Blouin


6.         OFL Representative of the ORWC


June gave the background as to the roles and responsibilities of this position.


There was a consensus that Sister Linda Koendars will now be the alternate to the ORWC OFL representative. PSAC Sister Colleen Wice who is also from UTE is the representative for the Ontario Region.


7.         2012 ORWC Priorities and Activities


a)         Special Event: “Vagina Monologues” February 24-25, 2012 presented by the Sexual Assault Support Centre of Ottawa (SASCO)


Jocelyne confirmed that a cheque in the amount of $250 had been forwarded to the SASCO as a result of the email vote held.

(m/s/c I. Gendron / S. Cousins).

This event is taking place at the Bronson Centre and the ORWC agreed to have a table to display PSAC material including a one-pager of this committee’s achievements over the years.

ACTION:  Tish will prepare a draft of ORWC achievements to send out for additional input.


Linda gave the group an update of the Romero family who came to Canada in 2003 thanks to a sub-committee of the ORWC. The Romeros continue to thrive in the Ottawa community.


The display table will be staffed as follows:

Friday: Judith Lewis, Jocelyne Bordage

Saturday: Judith Price, Linda Koendars


New information: Since the meeting, we have learned that the Committee has been given 2 tickets to attend the February 24th show.  Since the Sisters at the tables may enter the show without a ticket, the Chair has decided to conduct a draw.  Sisters are asked to indicate to Tish if they are interested in attending by Wednesday, February 15th. The names will be put in a hat and a winner will be chosen. The winner shall receive both tickets and take a guest of her choosing to the show.


b) International Women’s Day


PSAC IWD events

Patty Ducharme, PSAC NEVP, addressed the group regarding the new IWD materials (pamphlets, stickers, fact sheets, etc.) and asked that they be distributed as much as possible in Locals and committees. She also asked that members lobby MP’s and/or demonstrate in front of their offices as the PSAC is anticipating a massive and uneven impact on its women members once the job cuts have been made.


CRF-F IWD events

Marie-Françoise Bertrand, Chairperson of the CRF-F made a brief presentation of the Committee’s anticipated IWD activities, which include:

  • A Wine & Cheese gathering at 7 p. m. The location will be announced shortly (either at the Gatineau RO or at the FTQ office in Hull) and everyone is welcome to attend.


  • The CRF-F has purchase 200 March 8th commemorative pins which were created by the FTQ. Pictures were shown to the Committee and anyone interested in obtaining or purchasing pins can contact the Chair of the CRF-F or Lisa Rossignol, PSAC Staff (Gatineau Office)


Other IWD events


Maria Fitzpatrick announced that the OFL had also created pins to commemorate IWD, but did not have a picture or prototype to display.



THAT the ORWC spend $600 on the OFL IWD pins for this Committee.

m/s/c S. Cousins/L. Blouin


Jocelyne announced that for the third year in a row, the CEIU NCR Women’s Committee will be handing out flowers on IWD (March 8th) throughout Place du Portage, Vanier Towers and possibly Jean Edmund Towers (CIC). Each flower will have a card attached to it containing the union’s website address and contact information.



There was a consensus to hold a demo at 24 Sussex Drive on March 8.



THAT the ORWC create a sub-committee to plan its upcoming March 8th event.

m/s/c  S. Cousins /G. Thony


Sisters Annette Coughlin, Judith Lewis and Ginette Thony volunteered to be on the Sub-committee.


New information: Since the meeting, Maria Fitzpatrick volunteered to be on the Sub-committee and Ginette Thony had to withdraw for personal reasons.


c)         Other Priorities to be considered/determined


Ginette Thony asked the Committee to consider raising awareness on the issues of women who continue to work past the age of 65, without access to EI/DI/CSST or WSIB benefits.


Marie-Françoise Bertrand informed the ORWC that the lack of access to doctors, especially gynecologists, in the Outaouais region continues to be a grave concern and that it appears the situation on the Ottawa side is becoming just as critical. It was suggested that this could be an issue on which both Committees could work together.


Claudette Guibord asked that the Committee consider raising awareness on the issue of accomodation at home be included in WSIB cases.

10.       Varia/Round Table:


Claudette reported on the Day of Action and the solidarity trip to London, Ontario to support striking Electro-Motive workers.


Sister June mentioned the Families of the Sisters in Spirit would be holding an event as explained in the attached link: http://www.facebook.com/events/238609529542984/

 Sisters were encouraged to support the Salvation Army strikers by dropping by and walking the line with them.

Zelma announced that a fundraising event in suport of a young woman battling cancer which will be held at Absolute Comedy.

ACTION: Jocelyne offered to scan the information and forward it to Tish.

ACTION: Tish will send the information to all ORWC members. 


11.       Meeting adjourned.