Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) and Customs and Immigration Union (CIU) members working at the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)…
FB (CBSA – Treasury Board)
The Border Services (FB) bargaining unit consists of over 9,000 PSAC-CIU members at the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), responsible for protecting Canada’s borders and the planning, development, delivery, inspection and control of people and goods entering Canada.
Bookmark the PSAC national web page as well as this NCR regional web page for the latest updates on bargaining between PSAC and the TB. See all bargaining updates below.
FB specific backgrounds are available on the CIU FB Bargaining Graphics website page.
Membership Rand Card
Rand members now have the ability to sign a union card as well as vote virtually online.
Rand Members’ Electronic Membership Application Form (Bilingual)
MIGS Retention Form
For members who are not in good standing due to leave or Phoenix issues, an additional form gives members the ability to request their member-in-good-standing status to be updated so that they can vote.
MIGS Requisition Form (English)
MIGS Requisition Form (French)
Regional Bargaining Updates…
FB Ratification Sessions & Votes – June 20 to July 4, 2024
June 14, 2024, -
Ratification votes for PSAC FB members at CBSA will begin on June 20 and end on July 4 at noon ET….
Tentative agreement reached for more than 9,000 workers at Canada Border Services Agency, strike action averted
The Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) and the Customs and Immigration Union (CIU) have reached a tentative agreement for more…
FB Strike Preparation – 1 Hour Module
, -
By the end of this webinar, you will… These events are only for FB members working at CBSA in Branch Local…
FB Strike – 2 Hour Module
April 30, -
Are you ready? Do you have questions? Join us virtually on one of the following dates to have some of your…
PSAC National Training on Essential Services (ESA) for FB Members
May 14 to 22, 2024, -
PSAC-CIU members in the FB group are strongly encouraged to take part in a national essential services training session. This training…
FB Strike Info Sessions & Vote – Extended Dates!
April 10 to May 23, 2024, -
The Border Services (FB) bargaining unit consists of over 9,000 PSAC-CIU members working across the country who are responsible for protecting…
The fight for equitable retirement benefits for FB members
PSAC and the Customs and Immigration Union have been advocating for over a decade for equitable retirement benefits for CBSA law enforcement personnel working at the Canada Border Services Agency.