HOC Local 70390 Reporting & Text Processing subgroup – Bargaining Update, Feb 12, 2025
Wednesday, February 12, 2025 at Noon
Over the last two months our Bargaining Team has met several times with House Administration in contract talks. Our last session was this past Wednesday, January 29th.
While some limited progress has been made, we remain in dispute with the House on several critical issues, including access to telework, compensation and job security. Our team has decided it’s time we met with the general membership to provide an update on the situation. We have scheduled a virtual
zoom meeting for Wednesday, February 12th at 12:00 pm. Our PSAC Negotiator, Morgan Gay, will be there to provide an update and take questions. Simultaneous translation will be provided.
In order to attend this meeting, kindly fill out the form below to register. Once you have registered, the zoom link will be sent to you shortly.
Please also note that if anyone joins the meeting using the dial-in option, they will not have access to interpretation.
Hoping to see you there!
Your bargaining Team:
Anna Braddon
Cassie Chapman-Moore
Jennifer Spallin.