FAQ: Strike Pay Top Ups by Components and Locals

Stay up to date on the strike including strike pay by regularly checking both the PSAC National FAQ webpage and the NCR Regional FAQ webpage.

Payment of additional sums (“top-up”) over and above PSAC’s regular base strike pay is determined by each PSAC component and each of their respective locals, based on their financial capacity, and subject to requirements under their Bylaws, or decided by a vote of the general membership if the Bylaws are silent.

After processing the base payment, PSAC regions are updating the components with records of each payment period so that the components and locals can process their top-ups accordingly. For additional information about your top-up, you can refer to your component’s website page which also include local contact pages. Below are links to each component’s website page for further information about their top-ups.

The component and local that you belong to is indicated on your membership card and in your membership portal account. Alternatively, you can also verify this using PSAC national website’s “Find your union contact” tool.

Strike Pay Top Ups

The strike pay top-up rates differ amongst components and locals and depend on the decisions by those governing bodies. As only some PSAC components and locals may have chosen to top-up members’ strike pay separately, please ensure to contact you component and/or local to confirm that fact.

For additional information about strike pay, see the PSAC webpages with FAQ for TB and FAQ for CRA members.

Stay up to date on negotiations by verifying the PSAC national website.

For members who have received their base PSAC strike pay but, are seeing discrepancies, please wait until after the second strike payment after 11:59 pm May 18, 2023 before submitting enquiries to the PSAC. If after that date you have concerns or questions, kindly submit your enquiry to the online Issues with Strike Pay form.