Remote Works – For Everyone

The pandemic forced employers and workers to adapt and find innovative solutions to getting their job done. Years later, not only has it proven to be successful, it’s clear that telework is the future of work.

Overwhelming evidence shows that telework:
•improves work-life balance
•increases productivity
•leads to a more dynamic workforce
•creates a safer work environment
•is better for the environment

Learn more about why a one-size-fits-all cannot work for Canada.

Forcing employees into a random office three days per week to spend their days in virtual
meetings won’t prepare our workplaces for coming technological advances. It won’t help transform buildings into much-needed affordable housing. And it won’t build the Canada of the future.

We strongly oppose the Treasury Board’s uniform approach to force workers into ill-equipped workplaces that often don’t meet safety requirements, with poor air quality, mold, rodent and insect infestation, and that is if there is enough space for all the workers.

Not only that, but the government’s direction on prescribed presence in the workplace undermines its own goals, especially when it comes to hiring the best talent across Canada, and supporting diversity, inclusion, and barrier-free workplaces.

Get involved

Join us September 9 for one of our mobilization events!

PSAC-NCR will be at Place-du-Portage and Tunney’s Pasture between 8-9 am to talk to workers about Remote Works as they arrive to start their work day. Come by to talk with your fellow union siblings.

  • Tunney’s Pasture: footpath in front of Statistics Canada, 150 Tunney’s Pasture Driveway at 8 am
  • Place-du-Portage, at the intersection of rue Aubry and Promenade du Portage at 8am

Interunion Rally

PSAC National will be IRCC offices in Ottawa on September 9th.  Members working in the downtown core are encouraged to join leaders from PSAC, CAPE, PIPSC, and ACFO outside 365 Laurier W for speeches, coffee and treats from 7:45 to 8:45 AM. 

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