Show solidarity with your union siblings at Best Theratronics!

PSAC-UNE Local 70369 members have been on strike since May 10, 2024, along with Unifor local 1541 members, with no end in sight.

Our members have been on the picket line for over 5 months and are now on the line 7 days a week. They need our help. Here’s what you can do:

  • Join the picket line  
  • Donate to the local’s strike fund
  • Send a letter to your MP

Join the picket line

Organize a group from your community or your local to support members on the picket line.

  • Where: 413 March Rd, Kanata, K2K 0E4
  • When: Monday to Friday between 6:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. and Saturday and Sunday between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m.

Donate to the local’s strike fund

Workers have been on strike for almost 6 months and the local’s strike fund is running low. Our union siblings shouldn’t face financial insecurity while they’re standing up to one of Canada’s worst bosses.   

Donations can be made by cheque and sent to:  

PSAC-UNE Local 70369

603-233 Gilmour St

Ottawa, ON

K2P 0P1

Send a letter to your MP

Show your solidarity by writing a letter to your MP, demanding the employer return to the negotiation table and bargain in good faith so that these members can get back to work.

What you need to know about the Best Theratronics Strike

Members have been on strike since May 10, 2024. Striking members make a shocking 24-26% less compared to workers who hold comparable jobs and PSAC members at Best Theratronics have not received a wage increase in over 2 years. They manufacture lifesaving, cancer-treating, medical equipment that is used in hospitals and clinics around the world.

In an attempt to resolve the labour dispute, PSAC’s bargaining team proposed to resolve any outstanding issues in arbitration and work on a return-to-work agreement. However, Best Theratronics owner Krishnan Suthanthiran refused this proposal without explanation!  

Best Theratronics owner Krishnan Suthanthiran has:

Has chastised his employees for having too many statutory holidays, called them lazy, and threatened to move striking workers’ jobs overseas.  

Has blocked all attempts to resolve this labour dispute and has refused to negotiate in good faith.

Has threatened to fire striking employees and has used replacement workers.

To send a message of solidarity to our members at Best Theratronics, or for any questions, please send an email to