Ad Hoc Coalition for Women’s Equality and Human Rights Stephen Harper’s Index: Pay Equity

Number of years since Canadian women first demanded equal pay


Average earned by Canadian women in 2006 for every dollar their male counterparts make

71 cents

Average amount of pension received by Canadian women for every dollar in pension received by their male counterparts due to lifetime inequity in pay

64 cents

Amount earned by an Aboriginal woman in Canadain 2006 compared to every dollar earned by the rest of the population

46 cents

Number of years since Canadaofficially guaranteed pay equity as a fundamental human right


Number of days following Barack Obama’s inauguration as U.S. President before signing the Fair Pay Act which removes and important obstacle to pay equity claims


Number of days the Pay Equity Task Force Report, commissioned by the federal government to address Canadian obstacles to pay equity, has sat on the shelf

1863 and counting (as of June 16, 2009)

Number of years it took to settle the Bell Canada pay equity case due to fierce opposition on the part of the employer


Percent of private employers in Québec who said that they would never have made pay equity happen without provincial proactive pay equity legislation


Percent of Québec businesses where the total cost of implementing pay equity was $5000 or less


Estimated average amount in dollars that Canada Post has spent per year fighting its pay equity case

2 million

Number of years the Canada Post pay equity case has lasted

26 and counting

Number of women working in Canada

7.2 million

Average wage in Canadain 2000 for a full-time full-year female worker


Average wage in Canadain 2000 for a full-time full-year male worker


Amount of lost wages this gap translates to 50 years of full-time work


Amount in dollars of Canada’s surplus when the Harper government was elected in 2006

26 billion

Amount in dollars of Canada’s surplus after three years of the Harper government

-1.1 billion

Amount of projected deficit for 2009

Over 50 billion

Number of working women who will benefit from the reforms introduced by Harper’s Public Service Equitable Compensation Act


Amount the Conservatives are supposed to be saving taxpayers by rolling back pay equity rights for women


Canadian women have done the math, Mr Harper.