COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE – Meeting of February 20, 2012

                                                                                                                                           COMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE


 Meeting of February 20, 2012Gatineau Office



 Jason Brown, UNDE 70614

Sophie Tremblay Morissette, UNE 70148

Carol Noël, UNE 70059

Larry Lavitt, Agriculture 70155

Judy McAuley, CIU 70066

Francine Stuart, CIU 70066

Chantal Rajotte, CIU 70066

Patrice Rémillard, UNE 70396



Alroy Fonceca, Communications and political action officer

Louise Patrice, regional representative


 Elected executive members:


President: Chantal Rajotte

Vice-president: Judy McAuley

Vice-president: Larry Lavitt

Treasurer: Francine Stuart

Secretary: Patrice Rémillard


It was decided that, as of July 2012, the Communications Committee would meet six (6) times a year. Dates will be posted on the NCRWebsite to allow all PSAC/NCRmembers to join.


Until June, Committee members will meet monthly to develop a document explaining the Committee’s terms of reference and objectives. This document will be presented to the NCRmembership at the next NCRC meeting in June.   


Members decided that the Committee would operate by project, within subcommittees. Projects may take many forms, including:


  • Requests submitted by other NCRcommittees;

  • Mobilization campaigns or other campaigns developed by and for the NCR;

  • Posters on issues promoting union solidarity in the NCR;

  • Seasonal events such as BBQs, corn roasts, etc.;

  • Theme days;

  • Bargaining support;

  • Denouncing labour conflicts;

  • Redesign and update of NCRWebsite



Subcommittees are made up of Communications Committee members, based on their expertise, their ambition, their availability and their aspirations. They report to the Communications Committee Executive. The Executive is then responsible for driving these projects, managing them and making sure they are executed.


The Committee reserves the right to accept or reject requests, based on the availability of members as well as financial and human resources.

The Communications Committee operates in both official languages, English and French. Documents posted on the Website are bilingual.


Next meeting: March 14, 2012, 5 p.m., at the GatineauOffice.