Conservative government statements on sick leave

“I’ll declare it to you again that first and foremost on the table from the federal government’s perspective is to deal with the alarming rates of absenteeism in the federal public service.”

– Tony Clement, Ottawa Citizen, 6 November 2013 

“We are overhauling an archaic system that does not work for the taxpayer and doesn’t work for the employee.”

– Tony Clement, CBC, 10 June 2013 

“Our Government has already reformed federal government pension plans, to ensure that parliamentarians and public servants pay their fair share. It will reform disability and sick-day entitlements and work with employees to get them back to work as soon as possible.”

– Speech from the Throne, 16 October 2013

“In addition, the Government will be examining its human resources management practices and institutions in a number of areas, including disability and sick leave management, with a view to ensuring that public servants receive appropriate services that support a timely return to work.”

– Economic Action Plan 2013, 21 March 2013