Local 71201 Action Timeline: COVID-19 Negotiations 2020
- March 18, 2020 – Representatives of UNE held discussions with the Employer on various options to support employees and inviting open communication between the parties to find solutions.
- Since March 18, UNE has made outreach to the Local Executive, and placing matters associated in labour relations in abeyance with the exception of matters such as terminations and suspensions.
Activities of the Union:
- March 16 – The Union proposes that the Employer provide Special Paid Leave, with full benefits, for the duration of the shutdown and raises concerns with the Employer’s direction related to EI Claims in their March 15th communication.
- March 17 – The Union responds to the Employer who refuses the request for special paid leave.
- March 17 –. The Union then proposed that the Employer grant Special Paid leave to April 19th (if the shutdown continued) and to provide a Supplementary Unemployment Benefits (SUB) Plan top-up to EI benefits and that the Employer continue to maintain workers’ benefits throughout and establish a process for workers to continue their Pension contributions. This proposal is also refused by the Employer.
- March 18 – The Union advises the Employer that many other Employers are maintaining workers’ earnings during layoffs, including those in the Gaming sector elsewhere in Canada and provided the link to the Federal government’s initial announcement of assistance to businesses affected by COVID19.
- March 19 – The local executive meets via phone and decides to move forward with the Union media outreach and a digital letter writing campaign to the Employer to increase pressure
- March 20 – The Union launches media campaign and receives coverage, and launches letter on social media
- March 21 – With news of Hard Rock International in Florida shutting casinos down and maintaining earnings for workers there, the PSAC tries again to negotiate earnings protections with the employer for workers here. Members and supporters send over 400 letters to the Employer.
- March 23 – The Union continues media outreach, securing coverage;
- March 24 – The Union reaches out to CEO of Hard Rock International, and receives no response
- March 24-26 – The Union continues media outreach; federal government announces new Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB)
- March 30 – The Union reaches out to the Employer to again advance the proposals and highlight the Federal government’s updated announcement related to the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) which would provide a wage subsidy of up to 75% to Employers to re-employ workers from lay-off, retroactive to March 15th, with the expectation that the Employer would cover the remaining 25% towards the full regular rate of pay. Employer advises that they will be considering it. Employer advises workers via Red E App later that day.
- April 2 – The Union reaches out again to the Employer to request a virtual meeting regarding the available Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy and PSAC’s position that workers should be brought back onto the payroll, at their full regular rate of pay for what was their regular hours of work, the provisions of Articles 40 and 41 intact (Health, Dental & Life and Pension) and consideration of lost gratuities due to the Casino closure.
- April 2 – PSAC Alliance Executive Committee looks to extend memberships to in good standing until end of 2020
- April 6 – 9 – The Union continues a discussion with the Employer, encouraging them to avail themselves of the federal measures and immediately re-employ all members
- April 9 – The Union receives notice from the Employer their board meeting is April 14 to discuss the CEWS application
- April 15-17- The Union attempts follow ups with the Employer to review the results of the board meeting
- April 20 – The Union follows up with the Employer and receives a response to learn the board meeting was postponed until April 16 and the Employer will provide an update this week
- April 24 – The Employer advised the Unions that they would not be utilizing the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) in order to immediately re-employ members.
- April 24 – The Union reiterates the need for the Employer to provide the types of support that Hard Rock International has provided to their workers elsewhere, which has included income protection and a newly announce grocery certificate initiative.
- April 27 – The Union responds on only the grocery certificate initiative and advises that it is in the works. No further details have been provided to the Unions.
- April 30th – The Union joins Unifor in requesting that the Employer provide an explanation as to why the CEWS Program will not work for the Employer. The Union leadership continues discussion of membership issues with Local President