On June 22, 2016, the Public Service Inter-Union Youth Caucus, spearheaded by young members of the three largest federal public service unions (PSAC, CAPE, and PIPSC), organized a consultation event on “Millennials in the Public Service: Closing the Generation Gap in the Public Service”. The event was held in Ottawa with participation from approximately 160 enthusiastic young public servants. We received many great ideas and feedback to help the federal public service attract and retain Millennial employees.
“Millennial Voices: Informing the Future of Canada’s Federal Public Service” is the resulting summary report based on the ideas received from the event. We hope you will read it and share it widely for discussion.
We welcome your feedback on the report’s findings: tell us what you agree with, what we got right, or any potential issues that we might have missed. You can provide your feedback directly on Hashdoc or using the email address below. We are also looking for volunteers to help advance the issues and address the challenges of Millennials in the Public Service. We welcome participation from all federal public servants interested in youth issues, regardless of union affiliation or employment status.
Get in touch with us at caucus@iuyc-cisj.com.