Minutes of RVAC Meeting – 19 May 2011

Minutes of RVAC Meeting

May 19 2011


In attendance:                                                             

Paulette Barker                                   Marie-Françoise Bertrand                                

Carl Laguerre                                       Sandra Digragbo

Effie McLeod                                       Eugene Omboli

Larry Rousseau                                    Ginette Thony

Reggie Alam                                         Michael Clement

Harry Singh                                          Barbara Low

Imma Adonice                                      Paul Abi-Mansour



Sandra Griffiths-Bonaparte                   Joanne Robinson

Victor Laing                                         Gabe Nicholas

Agnes Uwamariya                                Zelma Buckley

Natasha Goldevin                                 Debbie Thomas



Resource Person                                Hassan Husseini


Meeting called to order by Brother Carl Laguerre at 5:45 PM. 


  1. Adoption of the agenda


Adoption of the Agenda as amended was motioned and seconded by Michael Clement/Effie McLeod after which a Round-table introduction was done.


  1. Minutes of the last meeting


Discussions on the minutes of the last meeting: took place on


–           1st paragraph were on

The work remaining to do on the RVAC By-Laws is the requested Addendum of all the changes and identifying the duties of the co-chairs.



Should read

The work remaining to do on the RVAC By-Laws is the requested Addendum of all the changes and stating the duties of the Executive Officers.


  • paragraph 6th


The motion was carried.  Pamphlets will help to do the letter; Paulette have some and will bring, she will scan and share.  Hassan will also search and bring what he finds to the next meeting.


Should read


The motion was carried.  Pamphlets will be use to draft the letter.  Paulette have some and will bring, she will scan and share.  Hassan will also search and bring what he finds to the next meeting.


  • paragraph 14th


Brother Larry’s suggestion to set up an Advisory Group was tabled for this meeting; he is still very concerned about getting this off the ground and don’t think we should be waiting around until the Racism issue is resolved as we don’t know when that will be.  We do know that other staff members are continuing to express themselves.  A motion to set up an Advisory Group was moved by Eugeneand seconded by Paulette.  The motion was carried.


Should read


Brother Larry’s suggestion to set up an Advisory Group was tabled for this meeting; he is still very concerned about getting this off the ground and don’t think we should be waiting around until the Racism issue is resolved as we don’t know when that will be.  We do know that other staff members are continuing to express themselves.  A motion to set up an Advisory Group RVAC Co-chairs to reengage the PSAC President was moved by Eugeneand seconded by Paulette.  The motion was carried.


Promoting RVAC -RVAC Anniversary


Adoption of the minutes as amended was motioned and seconded by Paulette Barker /Effie McLeod. 


  1. Business arising from the last meeting


Business arising from the last Minutes


The letter is post-poned


RVAC By-Laws needs to be coherent with Co-chairs.

The vice-chairperson is responsible for most of RVAC Communication instead of ex it’s eg


The Previous Co-chairs should be responsible to advise the Executive and the membership.

They should participate actively as member of RVAC assist to develop training module and mentoring new members


The required quorum to hold an Executive Committee meeting shall consist of at least 50% of the executive members including one Co-Chair.


The required quorum to hold an RVAC Committee meeting shall consist of a minimum of five (5) committee members and one of the Co-Chairs or an Executive member standing for the Co-Chair.


Every three months the Treasurer shall meet with the REVP Executive Assistant to verify RVAC expenditures and balance in the account.


RVAC by laws was motioned and seconded by Eugene Omboli /Marie-Françoise Bertrand


  1. RVAC Caucus meeting at the NCR Convention

Brother Carl read the past resolution and suggested that we all should be knowledgeable incase questions should be ask answers can be given.  Brother Clement made mention that these resolutions have been accepted but right now we need to strategize?


Sis Paulette, made mention on how to strategically have them on networking with alias and getting other people involved.  (1, 5,6,7,8)


Debate on the resolution, no 2 is too late.  We should support all resolutions sent by RVAC.


Paulette will do PR to get allies

Resolution        Title                                                                  Leader

1                      RVAC Network                                               Carl Laguerre

4                      RVAC Vice president Position              Imma Adonice

5-                     Proactive Adoption by PSAC of the Human Rights Maturity Model as a leading employer of Choice                             Eugene Omboli

7                      Policy Grievance against Abusive application management Expectations without Guidelines                                            Eugene Omboli

8                      Youth Leadership Active Rejuvenation Initiative            Eugene Omboli


Question for REVP Candidates at the All-Candidates debate.


Larry Rousseau Candidate for REVP position


Sister Paulette said, send and ask the couch if there is any convention preparation coming up to address them.


Brother Carl suggested that members should be active to run and elect candidates who offer.


  1. Varia…


Young workers conference was held May 14 to 15

25 Participants 3 Racially Visible

The definition of youth is now changed to age 33 years instead of 30


Sister Paulette said discrimination has always been here, and no other groups do anything, but RVAC takes the role because there is no other forum.


Sis Barbara gave a brief update on her past being off and sick for a while; she also suggested to another member how he should approach his president in regards to the things that were discussed, and she wanted us to know that she was the one who invited him to attend our meeting (he wants to inform his president on the things that were discussed; then Sis Barbara said an e-mail would be the best thing to do, so there wont be any errors).





Adjournment @8:00 PM


Was motioned and seconded by Eugene Omboli/Paulette Barker.