(28 August 2012)
The NCR Young Workers’ Committee is sponsoring PowerShift 2012 as part of an outreach and leadership initiative and now holds an official seat on its Organizing committee.
Given the important space the PSAC provides to youth, we would like to encourage all locals, regional councils, regional committees and components to promote the event to their young members, but also sponsor their young members in order for them to attend PowerShift 2012, which will be taking place on October 26 through 28 in Ottawa.
PowerShift is a gathering of hundreds of young people in Ottawa focused on learning from each other, learning together, and using that knowledge to strengthen the movement for climate and environmental justice and to develop common strategies for creating positive change.
We will be organizing Powershift 2012 while young people face a difficult, uphill battle to create a just and sustainable future. Canada has abandoned the Kyoto Protocol, eliminated energy efficiency programs and continues to subsidize and promote the fossil fuel industry, acts that threaten our air, water, land and the climate. Our present and future economic welfare is also at risk. We see daily reports promising cuts to our public services, the dismantling of our social security, the loss of workers rights, and tax breaks to corporations that don’t need them.
The economic and climate crises we are facing have the same roots — the relentless drive to put short-term economic profits over the interests of our communities and the environment. We can find joint solutions to the climate and economic crisis: by reining in corporate power and its undue influence over our political process, by reviving and strengthening our public sphere, by localizing our economies and our food system. Such long term solutions and alternatives will safeguard our communities and our environment.
While the focus of the gathering is centered on youth, we recognize that youth must become allies of frontline and affected communities and other parts of society that are active in fighting for climate justice. We also invite other parts of society to be supportive of youth efforts and to participate in creating a better future for everyone.
Climate and environmental justice will be the primary focus of Power Shift 2012. Beyond education, mobilization, and collective action, the gathering will include in-depth discussions on the role of frontline and indigenous communities, environmental racism, dependence on oil, economic inequalities that stem from the extractive and carbon industries, as well as solutions to these crises such as food sovereignty, renewable energy, and public transportation.
By strengthening our grassroots movements across the country and by re-defining the priorities that are important to us, our communities will regain power and create the possibility for transformative change.
We encourage you to access the PowerShift website at www.wearepowershift.ca.
– YWC Executive