Asbestos: NCR Federal buildings

Futher to the media coverage on asbestos, here is some important information:

Since the early thirties and up to the 80’s, asbestos has been used as a building insulator. Federal buildings are no exception. There is no danger to workers if asbestos is not disrupted by construction or maintenance work. 

The Public Service Alliance of Canada would like to inform you that your Colllective Agreement protects you. With policy DP507 of Public Works and Government Services Canada, and the policy and code of practice on asbestos management, the National Joint Council requires the Employer to establish reasonable provisions for the occupational safety and health of employees.


Below, are links to the Collective Agreement text on Hazardous Substances, and particulary on asbestos management, section 11.6 of the National Joint Council Directive:





If you have any questions, please communicate with your Local Health and Safety Committee.